Rupas Consultancy: 1 stop solution for every IT requirement

Rupas Consultancy’s “Application Softwares” product is designed to meet the user's specific needs. These requirements may includes spreadsheet templates, word processor macros, scientific simulations, audio, graphics, and animation scripts.
Our expertise in software design, development, and maintenance can address any kind of coding requirement. We can implement every required technology like HTML, JavaScript, other web-native technologies to address the requirement. Our product can address need for an application suite consists of multiple applications bundled together having related functions, features and user interfaces, and may be able to interact with each other, e.g. open each other's files. Business applications may include Microsoft Office, LibreOffice and iWork, which bundle together a word processor, a spreadsheet, etc.
Rupas Consultancy’s “Application Softwares” product can be developed for desktop application for a particular operating system, delivery network such as in cloud computing and Web 2.0 applications, or delivery devices such as mobile apps for mobile devices.

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